Yet another suicide! How many will ring the bells!

29 Aug

The story of a woman who foiled her husband’s attempted suicide topped the news in Haveeru Online yesterday.

The news item failed to answer several questions which are very important due to the nature of this incident and the number of occurances of suicide in the country recently.

1. How many suicides have been reported so far this year?
2. How many attempted suicides were foiled this year?
3. What are the relevant institutions of the government and civil society saying about it?

It is high time that there was a presidential commission established to look into the matter and chart a course of action. After all, we have left our future in his hands!


Posted by on August 29, 2007 in Uncategorized


3 responses to “Yet another suicide! How many will ring the bells!

  1. shahuru

    September 2, 2007 at 7:40 pm

    Maldivians i guess think smart and great, to commit suicide, abuse children, murder people; can it be that with the newly found freedom we don’t really know what to do and what not to do.

  2. Abdulla Yasir

    August 29, 2007 at 5:05 am

    Becasue we leave our future in President’s hand, he only needs fewer people and more islands; population has got to shrink.

  3. yaa

    August 29, 2007 at 4:57 am

    Becasue we leave our future in President’s hand, he only needs fewer people and more islands; population has got to shrink.